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Overview The family sits motionless center stage. Lopakhin stamps on money lining the floor. Trofimov talks of the future to the blazing sky. A pile of window frames is both the mementos of the sold-off house and also the wreckage of a society’s vision. In this version of Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard the staging is highly symbolic in its use of design and lighting, and also strikingly features the refrain of a waltz. Premiered in 2007, it was revived at the Meyerhold Centre in Moscow in 2011 as Chiten’s first production in Russia. Following its success there, Chiten has taken work on tour to Russia every year since.








Photo by Hisaki Matsumoto


2014.6.20-7.28 / 11.1-5   UNDER-THROW
2015.1.1-3/9.10-13   UNDER-THROW
Text Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Transration Kiyoshi Jinzai
Direction Motoi Miura

Satoko Abe
Dai Ishida
Koji Ogawara
Shie Kubota
Saki Kohno
Yohei Kobayashi

Staff Stage Design: Itaru Sugiyama + Karasuya
Lighting: Yasuhiro Fujiwara
Sound: Toshihiro Dooka
Costume: Kyoko Domoto
Stage Manager: Nobuaki Oshika
Producution Co-ordinator: Aya Komori, Yuna Tajima
Presented by Chiten LLC.